Wet Utilities
Byrd constructs Water Distribution Systems as well as Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Collection Systems. Whether for the Government, Commercial Businesses, or Homeowners, Byrd takes great pride in bringing clean water to your doorstep, facilitating wastewater treatment, and reducing flash flooding.
Construction of new and replacement of existing Water Systems (potable and reclaimed water)
Specialize in Water Distribution Pipelines, Hydrants, Valves, Backflow Devices (RPDA, RPPA, DCDA), Meters, Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV), Vault Structures, and Domestic Service Lines
Work in the Public Right of Way as well as high visibility locations with unique constraints.
Retrofit of Existing Systems to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act.
Flushing, Chlorination, and Dichlorination
Pump Station Installations/Upgrades
Water Treatment Installations
Storage Tanks and Water Reservoirs
Repair work and complete water rehabilitation that comply NSF61 requirements
Complex Valve Installations and Vault Structures including Aboveground Piping
All site work and coordination of ancillary items
Construction of new gravity Storm Drain, Sewer, and Force Main Sewer Systems
Precast and Cast in Place Manholes, Structures, Drop Inlets, Headwalls, etc.
Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment Systems which include Grease Interceptors, Sand Oil Interceptors, Storm Water Interceptors, etc.
Sewer Bypass Systems / Sewer diversion for critical infrastructure Rehabilitation, Replacement, and Repair